Crucial & Eco-Friendly HVAC Options For Your House
February 1, 2024
Utilize Your New Air Conditioner to Its Full Potential
February 3, 2024Imagine this: you notice your windows are wide open, even though your HVAC system is working hard to keep your house comfortably cool. Oh no! You might not realize how much problem this could be for your system.
This is the reason why:
You Lose Cold Air: When windows are open, the valuable cold air that your conditioning system labored so hard to produce is released. Because of this, your air conditioner has to run longer hours to make up for the lost cold air, wasting energy and raising your electricity costs.
You Let Warm Air In: When windows are open, warm air from the outside seeps into your rooms. Your thermostat will attempt to maintain the desired inside temperature longer as a result of this flood of warm air tricking it into thinking it is inside at a higher temperature.
Here are a few clever tips for making effective use of the windows and air conditioning:
Using Windows at colder Times: Incorporate a bit of ventilation into your home by opening the doors and windows during the colder early morning or late-night hours. You may then rely on natural ventilation and give your air conditioner a break.
Utilize shades for windows to keep direct sunlight out of your house while the sun is shining outside. Blinds or curtains work well for this. You can keep your family comfortable all day by using this easy tip to drastically minimize heat gain.
ideal settings for a thermostat To prevent making frequent modifications, choose a suitable temperature setting on your thermostat. This avoids your cooling system from turning on and off repeatedly and aids to preserve the use of energy.